Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Sprang breaaak

I have to stop to thank God and my parents for all of these wonderful opportunities that they've both graced me with. Without them I would not be able to write this entry about what my last two weeks have been like here city and country hopping in Europe! I haven't really been keeping up with posting many pictures onto the Facebook in accordance with where I'm at because there are so, so, many. I apologize in advance for the bulk amount of photos I'm going to upload all at once for the rest of my family to see! These last two weeks we all took a class field trip to Vienna, Austria, and Venice, Italy, before we all separated into our spring break groups to tour parts of Europe on our own for a week. For the sake of this blog being short and sweet, (and because it's due at midnight) I am just going to mention spring break!

The original plans that I had previously established were that I was going to visit Fatima in Portugal, and then hop over to Spain to see what all of the buzz was about! However logistically and economically with the cities I wanted to visit given the time frame that we had, it didn't look like it was going to work out all that well. However, in the end it all worked out because one of my good friends Catiana decided that she was going to fly to Rome and spend a few weeks here in Europe... so it very conveniently worked out that we would explore Rome and then Portugal together! Zachary and I decided we would travel together to Barcelona, Madrid, and then Paris for our spring break, and I am very glad that we did because we had a phenomenal time traveling on our own! He even let me interpret and translate for him in Spain, which I must add that it was quite refreshing to finally be surrounded by a language I grew up with. Right before embarking on this what seemed like a one week date, (yikes, right?) we stopped and prayed rosaries together in a Marian chapel in Venice- which might be the reason as to why and how we didn't kill each other after being together 24/7. Shortly after, we were off on a plane to Barcelona with some of the worst turbulence I've experienced yet on this trip, which Zach slept right through meanwhile I contemplated the meaning of my life and begged God to steady the plane!

We arrived in Barcelona around 12am and spent the night in terminal 3 until roughly 11am along with everyone else in that airport it seemed. Zach and I also had the privilege of planning to run into our dear friend Laura Hawk, who is currently studying abroad through the Ireland program, and it had never felt so good to run into one of her big warm hugs!

Over the course of the next four days in Catalunya, we relaxed on the chilly shores of the Barcelona beach while we hunted for seashells and cool looking rocks- riveting I know. We walked up and down Las Ramblas street which leads into the Gothic Quarter, and explored that while we casually ran into the Barcelona Cathedral, government buildings, the national historic archives for the region, and an Antoni Gaudi museum! On a free walking tour it was explained to us that the Gothic Quarter was actually rebuilt to look even more gothic as a means to draw in more tourists and get the city on the map. Our guide showed us pictures of what the Barcelona Cathedral looked like prior to the architectural additions, and it's a stark difference compared to what it looked like before!            
We also decided to do a bar crawl tour supported by our hostel on the whim, where we were accompanied by two young men from Mexico (I was so happy, not that they were men but the Mexico part haha) and a handful of other guys who were Canadian. The crawl ended at a club I couldn't tell you the name of and Zach and I literally only spent about 10 minutes there. Not because of the reason I'm sure you're thinking of right now... but because I didn't take my inhaler so the smoke and flashing strobe lights and all of the people overwhelm the heck out of me- I know I'm lame!

The next few days we visited Park Guell which was amazeballs. Then we spent half of the day seeking out Taco Bell for Zach, and it was the best. tasting. fast. food. I've. ever. had. Not to mention Zach was probably the happiest he's ever been yet on this trip, and It was well worth the trouble to venture half way across the city for our quesaritos!

We wrapped up the next few days visiting historical monuments, places, and some other cool stuff that I would just LOVE to write a small novel about, but for your sake I'll spare you the lengthy descriptions. One of the last honorable mentions that we prioritized seeing that needs to be brought up is the unfinished Basilica de La Sagrada Familia. Holy. Yowzas. I can promise you that it is absolutely like nothing that you have ever seen before, and no words can describe the beauty that it holds- inside and out.

I am now going to fast forward to Madrid, and it was undoubtedly my favorite location thus far! I don't know what it was that made me fall in love with this city so much, the weather was beautiful, not nearly as many tourists as Barcelona, rich in history, and the churches were absolutely breathtaking. My only regret was not being able to enter into the Plaza de Torros where all of the bull fighting takes place!

I can not wait to go back to Madrid after I brush up on my Spanish history, but for now I'm going to move onto Paris, which I must admit I had not even prioritized as a potential city that I would visit on this trip simply because it seems so overrated. WOW I WAS CLEARLY MISTAKEN. Obviously the Eiffel tower was my favorite, AND we saw so many dogs that were the same breed as mine back home which only made me happier! The French had delicious crepes, great taste in dog breeds, pretty architecture, but the worst smelling metro we've experienced yet. Minus the latter, France was a blast just as well!

Every place I went to I'd say to Zach, "no THIS is my favorite city yet!" and "I wish we would have spent all of spring break HERE!" It was very much the experience of a lifetime and we are truly blessed by God to be able to do be doing what we're doing. But because it's nearly midnight and I still have to add pictures to my blog, this is where I'm going to leave off! I'm sad that we didn't get to see each and every museum or noteworthy attraction, but Zach and I decided that it only gives us a reason to travel back sometime in the near future! 

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